Best Cancer Hospital in Ahmedabad

Being diagnosed with cancer turns your world upside down. You need a doctor who supports you emotionally, mentally, and medically for recovery. Finding the best cancer hospital near you can seem extremely daunting when you’re feeling broken. At Tirtham Surgical Hospital, our committed team of surgeons is here to support you through this difficult journey.

Best Cancer Hospital in Ahmedabad

Cancer Surgery

Experience compassionate care and advanced cancer treatment at Tirtham Surgical Hospital. Led by Dr. Alpesh Patel, with over 16 years of expertise, our team is here to support you every step of the way. 

We are the best cancer hospital near you. Contact us today to start your journey towards recovery and well-being.

What is Cancer?

Cancer is a disease where cells in the body grow uncontrollably and can spread to other parts. Our body is made of trillions of cells. Normally, cells grow and divide to make new cells as needed. When old or damaged cells die, new ones take their place.

But sometimes, this process goes wrong. Abnormal or damaged cells can start to grow and multiply when they shouldn’t. These cells can form lumps called tumors. Tumors can be cancerous (malignant) or not cancerous (benign).

Cancerous tumors grow into nearby tissues and can spread to other parts of the body, forming new tumors. This spread is called metastasis. Solid tumors are common, but blood cancers like leukemia don’t usually form solid lumps.

Benign tumors don’t grow into nearby tissues and usually don’t come back once removed. However, they can grow large and cause serious problems, especially in places like the brain. 

In 2022, India had an estimated 1.46 million new cancer cases, with a rate of 100.4 cases per 100,000 people.

Why Does It Occur?

Cancer is caused by changes in your genes that affect how your cells work, especially their growth and division.

These genetic changes can happen for a few reasons:

  1. Mistakes can occur when cells divide, leading to errors in genes.
  2. Harmful substances in the environment, like those in tobacco smoke and UV rays from the sun, can damage your DNA and cause changes.
  3. Sometimes, these genetic changes are inherited from your parents.


Normally, the body gets rid of cells with damaged DNA before they become cancerous. However, this ability weakens as we get older, increasing the risk of cancer later in life.

Each person’s cancer has a unique set of genetic changes. As cancer grows, it can develop more genetic changes. Even within the same tumor, different cells may have different genetic alterations.

Common Symptoms

Here are some common early symptoms of cancer:

  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Persistent pain
  • Nighttime fevers
  • Changes in skin, such as changing moles or new moles

If left untreated, cancer may lead to additional symptoms, including:

  • Easy bruising or bleeding
  • Persistent lumps or bumps under the skin
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Difficulty swallowing

How Can You Diagnose Cancer?

When your doctor suspects cancer, they start with a thorough physical exam and ask about your symptoms and family medical history. They may then perform several types of tests to confirm a diagnosis:

1) Blood Tests

  • Complete Blood Count (CBC): Measures different types of blood cells.
  • Tumor Markers: Substances released by cancer cells or in response to them.
  • Blood Protein Tests: Check levels of immunoglobulins, which can indicate immune responses to cancer.
  • Circulating Tumor Cell Tests: Detect cancer cells that may have spread through the bloodstream.


2) Imaging Tests

  • CT Scan: Uses X-rays to create detailed images to locate tumors and their impact on organs and bones.
  • X-rays: Uses low-dose radiation to capture images of bones and soft tissues.
  • PET Scan: Produces images to detect early signs of cancer by showing how organs and tissues are functioning.
  • Ultrasound: Uses sound waves to visualize structures inside the body.
  • MRI: Uses magnets and radio waves to create detailed images of organs and tissues.
  • MIGB Scan: A nuclear imaging test to detect specific types of cancer like neuroblastoma.


3) Biopsies

  • Needle Biopsy: Uses a thin needle to extract cells or tissue from lumps suspected to be cancerous.
  • Skin Biopsy: Removes a small sample of skin to diagnose skin cancer.
  • Bone Marrow Biopsy: Takes a sample of bone marrow to check for cancer cells.
  • Endoscopic or Laparoscopic Biopsy: Uses scopes to see inside the body and take tissue samples.
  • Excisional or Incisional Biopsy: Removes part or all of a tumor for testing.
  • Perioperative Biopsy: Quickly tests tissue during surgery to guide immediate treatment decisions.


4) Genetic Testing

  • Identifies specific genetic mutations associated with cancer risk.
  • Helps determine inherited risks or guides targeted therapies.
  • Results aid in staging cancer (the extent of its spread), which influences treatment decisions. These tests and genetic evaluations help doctors diagnose cancer accurately, determine its stage, and plan appropriate treatment.

What is the Treatment of Cancer?

A cancer doctor near you may use different treatments for cancer, often combining them based on your specific condition:

1) Chemotherapy

  • Uses powerful drugs to kill cancer cells throughout the body.
  • Given orally (as pills) or through injections into veins.
  • Can be targeted to specific areas affected by cancer.


2) Radiation Therapy

  • Uses high-dose radiation to destroy cancer cells.
  • Often combined with chemotherapy to enhance effectiveness.


3) Surgery

  • Removes cancerous tumors that haven’t spread to other areas.
  • Sometimes used alongside chemotherapy or radiation to shrink tumors before surgery or eliminate remaining cancer cells afterward.


4) Hormone Therapy

  • Blocks hormones that can promote cancer growth.
  • Example: Lowering testosterone in men to treat prostate cancer.


5) Biological Response Modifier Therapy

  • Boosts the immune system to better fight cancer.
  • Enhances the body’s natural defenses against cancer cells.


6) Immunotherapy (Biological Therapy)

  • Employs the immune system to target and destroy cancer cells.


7) Targeted Therapy

  • Targets specific genetic changes or mutations that cause cancer.
  • Attacks cancer cells while minimizing harm to healthy cells.


8) Bone Marrow Transplant (Stem Cell Transplantation)

  • Replaces damaged stem cells with healthy ones to treat certain cancers.
  • Use your own healthy stem cells (autologous) or stem cells from a donor (allogeneic).


These treatments aim to eliminate: 

  • Cancer cells, 
  • Shrink tumors, 
  • Prevent cancer from spreading, or 
  • Alleviate symptoms. 

Your healthcare team will select the best treatment or combination based on your cancer type, stage, and overall health.

What Happens if Cancer is Not Treated?

Bladder surgery can be done in different ways: If cancer is not treated, several things can happen:
  • Cancer Progression: Cancer cells continue to grow and multiply, potentially spreading to nearby tissues and organs. This can lead to larger tumors and more extensive cancerous growth.
  • Worsening Symptoms: Without treatment, symptoms such as pain, fatigue, and discomfort may worsen as the cancer progresses and affects more parts of the body.
  • Health Complications: Cancer can cause serious health complications depending on its type and location. For example, tumors may obstruct organs or blood vessels, leading to organ dysfunction or failure.
  • Risk of Death: Untreated cancer can ultimately lead to death, either directly from complications caused by the cancer itself or indirectly due to the body’s inability to function properly.

It’s important to contact a cancer hospital near you if you suspect that you have cancer. This improves your chances of successful treatment and better outcomes. Early detection and appropriate treatment significantly increase the likelihood of controlling or even curing many types of cancer.


How is surgery used in cancer treatment?
Surgery is used to remove cancerous tumors or tissues that haven’t spread to other parts of the body.
The best cancer hospital near you is Tirtham Surgical Hospital, known for its specialized cancer care and dedicated team of experts.
At Tirtham Surgical Hospital, our expert surgeons specialize in top-quality cancer surgeries.
Yes, regular exercise tailored to your abilities can improve energy levels, mood, and physical function during and after cancer treatment.
Talk to your healthcare team about your feelings. They can recommend resources and support services to help manage anxiety and depression.

Pain management may involve: 

  • Medications, 
  • Physical therapy, and 
  • Alternative therapies.
Yes, certain treatments like chemotherapy and radiation therapy can affect fertility in both men and women. Fertility preservation options may be available.
  • Ask your primary care physician for recommendations.
  • Search online using search engines like Google or Bing.
  • Check hospital directories or local listings.
  • Contact health insurance providers for in-network facilities.
  • Seek recommendations from friends, family, or support groups.
Chemotherapy sessions may involve receiving drugs through an IV infusion or orally. They are typically done in cycles with rest periods.
Cancer stages range from 0 to 4, indicating the size of the tumor and how far it has spread in the body.